Saturday, 25 May 2013

The Final Leap

Everyone was up and ready for breakfast on the last morning.  Then packing completed we ventured out in the rain for our last activities, waving goodbye to Windsor, our accommodation block.

Circus skills and the Leap of Faith completed our programme of events.  Despite the cold most children and Mrs Hynes scampered up the pole and leapt to the bar with a last burst of energy.

A final trip to the dining hall to hear Gavin's lining up song and then onto the coach saying our goodbyes to favourite instructors and our Group Leader Nick.

Everyone was now ready to go home.  Tired but proud.

The entire journey was a recap of all the songs and chants of the last week, my head is still ringing with the sounds of "Like a Ba-Na-Na!"

 Everyone was returned safely to school, except for Mrs Leith who had an unfortunate encounter with a Curly Wurly which culminated in a trip to an emergency dentist!  Climbing off the coach singing "One, two, round to Bay B, three, four, round to Bay B....", led to warm reunions, home made cakes, goodbyes to friends and thank yous to staff and then everyone went home to a well earned sleep carrying bags full of washing.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the children for overcoming all sorts of challenges this week,  Many fears have been conquered - from heights to staying away from home - many skills have been learnt - from making beds to managing pocket money.  I am sure you will notice a difference in the confidence and independence of your children.

A massive thank you to Mr Burnes, Miss Reynolds, Mrs Hynes and Mrs Leith for making the trip a huge success.

Have a great half term everyone!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

3G whizz!

Much fun was had at last night's swimming session and campfire. Silly songs, terrible jokes and toasted marshmallows made the evening memorable.  No doubt you will soon be treated to songs about Tarzan, bananas, jeeps and a goldfish called Bob! They certainly are catchy little numbers.

After a continental breakfast, and a kick about on Hendon Square, remaining pocket money was spent on souvenirs and sweet treats in the site's gift shop. 

Up, up and away!
Groups have enjoyed Nightline (a blind folded assault course) and Drumming today, but the highlight for many was the 3G swing.  Almost every child has given it a go, screamed their hearts out and are very proud of themselves for doing so. So they should be!

The weather today has not been especially kind to us but we are not down hearted.  A hot lunch of sausages or burgers, accompanied with vast quantities of bread and butter, have helped get us through the cold and wet spells and the prospect of the disco tonight is keeping the children all going.

We look forawrd to seeing everyone, back at school, tomorrow afternoon after the long awaited Leap of Faith.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Mission Accomplished

Last night was calm and quiet with everyone sleeping by 10:00.

The morning began with some very welcome sunshine to encourage the sleepy from their beds.  Another cooked breakfast gave us the energy required for the day, along with a fairly large quantities of Haribo from the shop

Everyone has created their own computer game today, called Mission Maker.  This has involved virtual worlds and aliens aplenty.  Some of the children have excellent imaginations. 

Another highlight of the day has been abseiling.  Many have overcome fears and, even more importantly, encouraged their friends to do the same.  It is a real pleasure to watch your children cheer others on with kind words and see them rush to help others to undo equipment and harnesses.  They are a credit to the school and to you.

The instructors always ask them to consider their own aims and then reflect on the scary and exciting things they have done.   I was most impressed to hear one child, even whilst here at Kingswood, still trying to improve their vocabulary choices.  It was not just scary BUT terrifying and petrifying.  I was told that these ambitious words were sought out specifically to impress me and earn "extra points".

Tonight, after dinner, we have pool party and a campfire before bed.  I'm guessing those snores will be heard even earlier tonight.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Praying for sun

Last night all was quiet, apart from a few snores by 10:30.

So we made it to breakfast on time!   Bacon, eggs and beans compensated for the shock of the early morning call.
After room inspections, pocket money, shopping and a game of football the day really began.

Warm activities indoors included the indoor climbing wall, fencing and Court room, interspersed with chilly sessions on the field.  Quad biking, Orienteering and Team challenge allowed for individual successes and developing co-operation skills.

Lunch was fish cakes or pasta and dinner was chicken and chips or ravioli.  Vegetarian options are always available and some children have even ventured to the salad bar and fruit bowl.

It was lovely to see Mrs Hastings today, who gave up her day off to visit us all. 

Tonight's activity is Mini Olympics, which should ensure everyone is ready for their beds even earlier than last night.

Monday, 20 May 2013

A good, if soggy, first day

After a good journey we arrived at Grosvenor Hall and were met by our group leader Nick.  After a tour of the site we had our pack lunches in the BluRay Cinema watching "The Smurfs".  The children's choice.
Activities started with Zip wire and High Equilibrium ( a sea-saw on top of a very tall post) where most children have already displayed their bravery.
Everyone has enjoyed Aeroball, basketball on trampolines, and work collaboratively on Problem Solving activites.
Dinner went down well - roast followed by ice cream- which was said to be "better than school dinners".

Everyone is now participating in a quiz which will be followed by hot chocolate, showers and then bed.  We hope they go off to sleep quickly as breakfast is at 7:15!

A good day, with happy but weary children :)

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Last minute reminders for Monday

I'm sure that some of you are packed already but:-

REMEMBER you will need to be able to carry your bag, so don't make it too big!
Do not bring anything valuable, as your rooms do not lock.

Tomorrow everyone needs
  • packed lunch (NO chocolate or fizzy drinks).
  • Write your name on it clearly.
  • named water bottle 
If you put it in a drawstring bag, this will be really handy to carry your belonging around to the different activities.

The weather for tomorrow looks wet but looks as if it will brighten up by Tuesday - fingers crossed. Have a look on

Some of you need to bring your pocket money in £1 coins and those who already have brought it in to school in an envelope would be wise to bring a named purse or wallet to keep it in.

If you are bringing any medication make sure you hand it to an adult in the morning, with your name clearly written on.

I hope you have all been practising putting your duvets into their covers this week, as you will be making up your own beds tomorrow.

Have a good night's sleep. We'll see you in the morning at 9:30!

Friday, 15 June 2012

They think it's all over.... it is now!

We all made breakfast again today, with Mrs Hynes joining us a little later, and prepared for our last morning.

Go Mrs Friend!
Beds had to be stripped, packing had to be finished and rooms vacated by 9:00.  Some of our more organised pupils were all done before breakfast but others needed longer....much longer!  Packing was interesting to behold with many of the group having little idea of the concept of folding.

Groups 20 and 21 had the very exciting opportunity to partake in the Leap of Faith.  Everyone gave it a really good go and many made it all the way to the top and off! I am so impressed with the courage of our pupils who seem fearless in comparison to a very wobbly kneed Mr Burnes and myself.

What a sense of achievement though, when fears are overcome.

Group 19 had Indoor Initiatives followed by everyone completing their I-Venture presentation.  The Centre were organised  enough to have burnt all games and presentations onto a disc for us before we left, so I will try to organise copies in the next couple of weeks.

Our last trip to the dining hall entailed chicken or veggie burger and chips in a box, which just left us time to buy our last few bits in the shop and sing some of our newly learnt chants and songs before boarding the coach and saying goodbye to Vikki, our group leader.

Everyone was by now extremely tired and ready to return home.  Conversation turned to who had missed their brothers or sisters and what they planned to do when they got home.  I have a feeling that many of these planned activities will have to wait until tomorrow, after a very long sleep.

Driving towards school and seeing all the waving relatives was a welcome and emotional sight.

I can honestly say that all of the adults who went along had a fantastic time with your children and you should all be very proud of their behaviour, daring and enthusiasm.

Have a restful weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
From Mrs Friend, Miss Reid, Mrs Hynes and Mr Burnes.