Thursday, 23 May 2013

3G whizz!

Much fun was had at last night's swimming session and campfire. Silly songs, terrible jokes and toasted marshmallows made the evening memorable.  No doubt you will soon be treated to songs about Tarzan, bananas, jeeps and a goldfish called Bob! They certainly are catchy little numbers.

After a continental breakfast, and a kick about on Hendon Square, remaining pocket money was spent on souvenirs and sweet treats in the site's gift shop. 

Up, up and away!
Groups have enjoyed Nightline (a blind folded assault course) and Drumming today, but the highlight for many was the 3G swing.  Almost every child has given it a go, screamed their hearts out and are very proud of themselves for doing so. So they should be!

The weather today has not been especially kind to us but we are not down hearted.  A hot lunch of sausages or burgers, accompanied with vast quantities of bread and butter, have helped get us through the cold and wet spells and the prospect of the disco tonight is keeping the children all going.

We look forawrd to seeing everyone, back at school, tomorrow afternoon after the long awaited Leap of Faith.