REMEMBER you will need to be able to carry your bag, so don't make it too big!
Do not bring anything valuable, as your rooms do not lock.
Tomorrow everyone needs
If you put it in a drawstring bag, this will be really handy to carry your belonging around to the different activities.
The weather for tomorrow looks wet but looks as if it will brighten up by Tuesday - fingers crossed. Have a look on
Some of you need to bring your pocket money in £1 coins and those who already have brought it in to school in an envelope would be wise to bring a named purse or wallet to keep it in.
If you are bringing any medication make sure you hand it to an adult in the morning, with your name clearly written on.
I hope you have all been practising putting your duvets into their covers this week, as you will be making up your own beds tomorrow.
Have a good night's sleep. We'll see you in the morning at 9:30!