Friday, 25 June 2010

Home safe and sound.

After bacon, toast and cereal we had our final two activities. These included fencing, problem solving and indoor initiatives. The last chance for children to do outdoor laser, Nightline and Jacob's ladder.

We opted for a picnic lunch today and sat out on the grass together before climbing on the coach to head for home, waving Paul goodbye.

The journey was filled with the tunes of " My name is Mrs Friend, and do you know what I've got?...................." and "Boom Chicka". No doubt these chants will be heard around Staplehurst for the next few weeks.

Happy reunions followed and homework was set.........just GET SOME SLEEP!

Thank you to all the lovely Year Sixes who made a school journey an absolute pleasure. Your parents should be very proud of you.

See you Monday,

Mrs Friend