Friday, 15 June 2012

They think it's all over.... it is now!

We all made breakfast again today, with Mrs Hynes joining us a little later, and prepared for our last morning.

Go Mrs Friend!
Beds had to be stripped, packing had to be finished and rooms vacated by 9:00.  Some of our more organised pupils were all done before breakfast but others needed longer....much longer!  Packing was interesting to behold with many of the group having little idea of the concept of folding.

Groups 20 and 21 had the very exciting opportunity to partake in the Leap of Faith.  Everyone gave it a really good go and many made it all the way to the top and off! I am so impressed with the courage of our pupils who seem fearless in comparison to a very wobbly kneed Mr Burnes and myself.

What a sense of achievement though, when fears are overcome.

Group 19 had Indoor Initiatives followed by everyone completing their I-Venture presentation.  The Centre were organised  enough to have burnt all games and presentations onto a disc for us before we left, so I will try to organise copies in the next couple of weeks.

Our last trip to the dining hall entailed chicken or veggie burger and chips in a box, which just left us time to buy our last few bits in the shop and sing some of our newly learnt chants and songs before boarding the coach and saying goodbye to Vikki, our group leader.

Everyone was by now extremely tired and ready to return home.  Conversation turned to who had missed their brothers or sisters and what they planned to do when they got home.  I have a feeling that many of these planned activities will have to wait until tomorrow, after a very long sleep.

Driving towards school and seeing all the waving relatives was a welcome and emotional sight.

I can honestly say that all of the adults who went along had a fantastic time with your children and you should all be very proud of their behaviour, daring and enthusiasm.

Have a restful weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
From Mrs Friend, Miss Reid, Mrs Hynes and Mr Burnes.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Screams and Adrenalin

Many sleepy heads meant it was a little harder to get everyone up for breakfast today, but we were rewarded with eggs, bacon toast and beans. 

As Mr Duffy, who has been helping out in 6F this term, arrived for a visit we started the day off all together.  We played rounders on the field, before we split into our separate groups for activities.

Today's highlight for many :-
Every group has had the opportunity to try out the 3G swing, setting their own target as to which height they would go to; yellow, blue or a very daring red.
This a great session, under beautiful blue skies, because everyone gets to share the adventure with a friend and the rest of the group work as a team to pull the swing to its starting position.
3 G fun
Bravery has certainly increased as the week has progressed; with children who would only risk half way up the climbing wall on day one now releasing the starting pin for the swing a LONG way from the floor.

Adults and children alike have swung through the air. Filling the Ashford air with either shouting, screaming or even (Mr Burnes) yah-hooing.

Mr Burnes and Mrs Hynes loved it!
Miss Reid and Mrs Friend - not so much.

Lunch was devoured (cottage pie or jacket potatoes). I am always impressed by the healthy appetites inspired by all this fresh air and exercise. 

Other activities today have included, circus skills, orienteering and I-Venture (an ICT module where photos from this week are put together with music created on the programme Dance e-jay).  Both I-Venture and Mission Maker will be burnt onto disk at the end of the week and sent to school.

One group have undertaken the Leap of Faith, whilst others have that delight after breakfast tomorrow.

After a dinner of burgers or chicken and a welcome return of the jam doughnut, the three groups are completing their last activity of the day before the evening entertainment session- Scrapheap Challenge.

You will be pleased to hear that the group is still smiling if tired and a little hoarse.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Happy in the sunshine

We woke to blue skies, which certainly made it easier to get out of bed.

Bacon and cereals started the day off, followed by a trip, once again, to the shop. 

Today has been a day for more quad biking, zip wire, orienteering and aeroball (a sort of basket ball on trampolines) and abseiling.  Every child has travelled down the zip wire at least once.  So brave.

Many of the children have conquered fears by climbing to the top of the abseil tower and many of them have abseiled down it several times.

Jacob's Ladder involved paired work, helping each other to climb an enormous, wobbly wooden ladder with ever increasing gaps between the rungs.  It has been lovely to hear words of encouragement and see helping hands between friends.  A pleasure to watch.

The teachers are all throwing themselves into activities, trying the zip wire today.  At the risk of gloating I would like to add that I was the only lady to finish the zip wire on my feet!

We have eaten well again with sausage rolls or cheese and onion pasties for lunch and toad in the hole or lasagne for dinner, followed by chocolate ice cream. Tonight we were even lucky enough to be allocated our own private dining room.

Evening activites are Mini Olympics  - so lights out should be easy tonight.

Tomorrow we have the much anticipated Leap of Faith and 3G swing, which I know Miss Reid, in particular, is particularly looking forward to!!!!!!

What a difference the sun has made today - we have sung more and smiled more and we all have rosy cheeks.  A fabulous day!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Rain, fun, rain, challenge, rain, visitor and a bit more rain!

We did it!   All in breakfast by 7:05!!!!  Sausages, cereal, fruit, yoghurts, toast... the choice goes on.  Added to the excitement;Mr Barrett arrived to spend the day with the group.

Room inspection took place at 8:00 and we were pleasantly surprised.  A good effort by all, especially the scouts.

A visit to the on-site shop resulted in a many buying sweets and sticks of rock, whilst other purchased teddies, pens and even cuddly bees?!

Today has been action packed, if soggy.  Our six group activites run between 9:30 and 19:25 and today have included....
  • challenging ourselves with abseiling and balance beam.
  • working together on team initiatives and Nightline (a blindfolded assault course, through the mud). Apologies in advance for the forthcoming laundry
  • creating the beginnings of our own computer games in Mission Maker.

Lunch was pasta.  Dinner was hotdogs, fish cakes or vegetable hotpot followed by doughnuts. We are very impressed by how many children are heading for the salad bar and fruit bowl.

Tonight is our disco-Club Kingswood-where we will be having a special celebratory dance in honour of the birthday Mums -Mrs Penney and Mrs Spirito-and for our own dear Mrs Meredith for her birthday tomorrow.  Happy Birthday ladies!

After the disco we will wave goodbye to Mr Barrett and head for our beds - tired but happy.

Monday, 11 June 2012

A damp but successful start.

Despite the rain we are all happy and smiling.  We are delighted to be in Alpha accommodation again this year - every child is in a room for two or three, with en-suite shower rooms.  Luxury!

We started with a tour and then ate our packed lunch.  Many of the children were then desperate to play football in the pouring rain so I stood under a tree while Mr Burnes joined in the fun.

After that activites started - everyone tried indoor climbing - even the adults, then we split for indoor laser or team tech (giant meccano) .

Dinner was good - chicken/ veggie burger or chilli con carne followed by chocolate muffins.

Zip wire and quad biking were the last events of the day - Miss Reid went at a good speed and splashed through all the puddles.

As I write the children are all happily splashing around in the swimming pool, before hot chocolate and bed.

We need to be in bed at a reasonable hour as we are not thrilled with our breakfast slot - 7:05a.m!

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Last minute reminders

For tomorrow everyone needs 
  • packed lunch
  • Write your name on it clearly.
  • named water bottle 
If you put it in a drawstring bag, this will be really handy to carry your belonging around to the different activities.

The weather looks as if it will brighten up by Tuesday - fingers crossed. Have a look on

Some of you need to bring your pocket money in £1 coins and if you are bringing any medication make sure you hand it to an adult in the morning, with your name clearly written on.

I hope you have all been practising putting your duvets into their covers this week, as you will be making up your own beds tomorrow.

Have a good night's sleep. We'll see you in the morning at 9:30!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Packing begins

Now is the time to check your packing list.
Remember that most of the activities need long sleeves and long trousers.
One smart outfit for the disco and your swimming kit need to go in too.
Lots of layers may be needed for our lovely June weather, plus a raincoat!!!
Be optimistic and bring a sunhat and sun cream just in case.
Lots of clean undies and socks, toiletries, a towel and trainers are essential.

Remember that elecronic games, mobile phones and sweets/snacks are not allow BUT you can bring a camera if you wish.

I'm off to pack now, finding a bag that I can carry myself, leaving space to pop Teddy in at the last minute.

Happy packing!

Monday, 4 June 2012


This time next week we'll be there!!  Excited!