Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Rain, fun, rain, challenge, rain, visitor and a bit more rain!

We did it!   All in breakfast by 7:05!!!!  Sausages, cereal, fruit, yoghurts, toast... the choice goes on.  Added to the excitement;Mr Barrett arrived to spend the day with the group.

Room inspection took place at 8:00 and we were pleasantly surprised.  A good effort by all, especially the scouts.

A visit to the on-site shop resulted in a many buying sweets and sticks of rock, whilst other purchased teddies, pens and even cuddly bees?!

Today has been action packed, if soggy.  Our six group activites run between 9:30 and 19:25 and today have included....
  • challenging ourselves with abseiling and balance beam.
  • working together on team initiatives and Nightline (a blindfolded assault course, through the mud). Apologies in advance for the forthcoming laundry
  • creating the beginnings of our own computer games in Mission Maker.

Lunch was pasta.  Dinner was hotdogs, fish cakes or vegetable hotpot followed by doughnuts. We are very impressed by how many children are heading for the salad bar and fruit bowl.

Tonight is our disco-Club Kingswood-where we will be having a special celebratory dance in honour of the birthday Mums -Mrs Penney and Mrs Spirito-and for our own dear Mrs Meredith for her birthday tomorrow.  Happy Birthday ladies!

After the disco we will wave goodbye to Mr Barrett and head for our beds - tired but happy.


  1. Glad to see you are all enjoying yourselves and having fun.
    Well done for getting them all up for breakfast i thought it would be mission impossible !!!!
    Thanks Dan for my birthday mention

  2. Thanks Mrs F....Looks like your all having a ball. Have fun at the Disco and make sure Mr B takes note of the tunes they like for the leavers disco x Due to be dry for you on wednesday and thursday....enjoy x

  3. Have a great time at the disco.. glad it's going so well & everyone is enjoying themselves. julie

  4. All sounds fab!! (Except the early breakfast that is)! Glad you are having a great time - keep making the most of it anf big thanks to all you adults!

  5. Glad to see that you are having fun considering the weather. Congrats for getting them all up for breakfast this morning, big thank to the Teachers for putting up with the weather.
    Have fun at the DISCO tonight. Hopefully all up early again tomorrow!!

  6. Well done everybody! Good reading about what you're doing and pleased to hear they all passed room inspection - particularly the scouts!! Keep smiling

  7. At least the weather has brightened up for you today. Glad you are all having great fun, including the adults. Nice to see a few pictures of what they are getting up to.
