Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Happy in the sunshine

We woke to blue skies, which certainly made it easier to get out of bed.

Bacon and cereals started the day off, followed by a trip, once again, to the shop. 

Today has been a day for more quad biking, zip wire, orienteering and aeroball (a sort of basket ball on trampolines) and abseiling.  Every child has travelled down the zip wire at least once.  So brave.

Many of the children have conquered fears by climbing to the top of the abseil tower and many of them have abseiled down it several times.

Jacob's Ladder involved paired work, helping each other to climb an enormous, wobbly wooden ladder with ever increasing gaps between the rungs.  It has been lovely to hear words of encouragement and see helping hands between friends.  A pleasure to watch.

The teachers are all throwing themselves into activities, trying the zip wire today.  At the risk of gloating I would like to add that I was the only lady to finish the zip wire on my feet!

We have eaten well again with sausage rolls or cheese and onion pasties for lunch and toad in the hole or lasagne for dinner, followed by chocolate ice cream. Tonight we were even lucky enough to be allocated our own private dining room.

Evening activites are Mini Olympics  - so lights out should be easy tonight.

Tomorrow we have the much anticipated Leap of Faith and 3G swing, which I know Miss Reid, in particular, is particularly looking forward to!!!!!!

What a difference the sun has made today - we have sung more and smiled more and we all have rosy cheeks.  A fabulous day!


  1. So glad that summer has reappeared, looks dry for you all tomorrow so enjoy that adrenaline rush!
    Mel Driver

  2. So glad your all enjoying it and conquering your fears well done to u all. Fingers crossed for more dry weather x

  3. So glad your all enjoying it and conquering your fears well done to u all. Fingers crossed for more dry weather x

  4. Must have been odd having blue above you!

    Sounds like you have a class full of action men and Charlie's angels!

    The 3g swing sounds intimidating, good luck Miss Reid!

  5. Pleased you had some sunshine, sounds like another fun day!

  6. Brilliant!! Well done all. Enjoy tomorrow!
